Who: The Master and ? the Doctor? open? What: A Valentine's Day gesture When: Now (night) Where: Wherever it is the Doctor lives Rating: L is for the way you look at me Status: Incomplete?
Who: Rose Tyler, Rory Williams, The Doctor What: Her arrival Where: The park -> the library When: Monday, December 20th; late morning Rating: PG (will up as necessary) Status: Open, incomplete
Who: Dok, Wesley and The Doctor When: Wednesday November 25, 2010. 6:43 pm. What: Meeting The Doctor Rating: C for cupcakes! Status: Closed, in-progress
Who: The Master and a late npc and open What: Petulance When: Evening Where: Probably around some dumpsters Rating: M for moody Status: Open, incomplete
Who: Rose and the Doctor What: Rose is, well, tiny and hormonal When: Sometime after Rose pokes the Doctor Where: Airfield/TARDIS Rating: Lulzy Status: Incomplete